ticket#373(Add support for multiple-column primary keys) is discribed in Django Wiki below.
Below is my opinion on this and how to implement django-compositepk-model.
0. about django-compositepk-model
Regarding the support for composite primary key, I think it would be better to modify the Django model. But in a situation that I don’t know when it will be supported, I can’t wait for it. One proposal is to proceed with my own branch separated from Django main, but that’s not good considering future maintenance.
So, I decided to make package to extend Django model. There is a stupid implementation that overrides and copies the source back to change only one line, but I think the basics are hooked well.
SQLite DB containing test data set is on GitHub, and you can execute and test the Admin pages. If interested, please try it.
1. Major Issues written on the Wiki
1.1 _meta.pk
1. A number of APIs use “obj._meta.pk” to access the primary key, on the assumption it is a single field (for example, to do “pk=whatever” lookups). A composite PK implementation would need to emulate this in some way to avoid breaking everything.
Django Community Wiki
1) multi field support
In CPKModel, what is set in _meta.pk has been changed to a subclass of Field called CompositePk that groups multiple fields.
: class CompositeKey(Field): def __init__(self, keys, primary=False): names = tuple((f.name for f in keys)) join_name = CPK_SEP.join(names) """! comma separated style !""" db_columns = tuple((f.db_column if f.db_column else f.name for f in keys)) db_join_column = "(" + ",".join(db_columns) + ")" super().__init__( name=join_name, primary_key=primary, unique=True, ) self.keys = keys self.attname = join_name self.column = join_name self.names = names self.model = keys[0].model def get_col(self, alias, output_field=None): return CompositeCol(alias, self, output_field)
: class CompositePk(CompositeKey): def __init__(self, keys): super().__init__(keys, primary=True) : class CPkModelBase(ModelBase): """ Metaclass for CompositePkModel.""" def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs, **kwargs): : super_new = super().__new__(cls, name, tuple(modelbases), attrs, **kwargs) meta = super_new._meta pkeys = tuple(f for f in meta.local_concrete_fields if f.primary_key) # change attributes if len(pkeys) > 1: super_new.has_compositepk = True meta.pk = CompositePk(pkeys) """! set CompositePK to _meta.pk !""" setattr(super_new, "pk", CPkModelMixin.cpk) setattr(super_new, "_get_pk_val", CPkModelMixin._get_cpk_val) setattr(super_new, "_set_pk_val", CPkModelMixin._set_cpk_val) setattr(super_new, meta.pk.attname, None) setattr(super_new, "_check_single_primary_key", CPkModelMixin._no_check) setattr(super_new, "delete", CPkModelMixin.delete) else: super_new.has_compositepk = False setattr(super_new, "get_pk_lookups", CPkModelMixin.get_pk_lookups) meta.base_manager._queryset_class = CPkQuerySet meta.default_manager._queryset_class = CPkQuerySet super_new.pkeys = pkeys super_new.pkvals = CPkModelMixin.pkvals super_new._meta = meta return super_new class CPkModel(CPkModelMixin, Model, metaclass=CPkModelBase): pass
The difference between the setting values of the basic Model and CPkModel is as follows. * You can also check from “Check Keys” on the test view.
# | Musician(Model) | Album(CPkModel) |
obj.pk | 1 | 1,1 |
_meta.pk | test.Musician.id | test.Album.artist,album_no |
_meta.pk Class | AutoField | CompositePk |
_meta.pk.keys | – | (<django.db.models.fields.related.ForeignKey: artist>, <django.db.models.fields.IntegerField: album_no>) |
_meta.pk.name | id | artist,album_no |
_meta.pk.attname | id | artist,album_no |
_meta.pk.column | id | artist,album_no |
_meta.pk.names | – | (‘artist’, ‘album_no’) |
_meta.pk.model | Musician object | Album object |
_meta.pk.Col | Col(Musician, test.Musician.id) | CompositeCol(Album, test.Album.artist,album_no) |
2) pk=”whatever” lookups support
Most of the [pk = “whatever” lookups] are ultimately handled by Query.add_q. So, here you can handle the special pk created by CompositePk and “whatever” with corresponding multiple values.
I changed as follows.
2-1) Change CompositePK condition to multiple conditions in add_q
For example, the condition “pk=obj.pk” is changed as follows.
In the case of Album, the left hand side “pk” becomes “artist, album_no” from _meta.pk.attname. The right hand side “obj.pk” is expressed as “1,1”. Both sides are decomposed with commas to make two Q conditions.
Q(artisit='1') & Q(album_no='1')
This finally becomes the following SQL conditional statement.
"Album"."artist_id" = 1 AND "Album"."album_no" = 1
The implemented parts are as follows.
class CPkQueryMixin(): : ########################### # override ########################### : def add_q(self, q_object): : def make_q(keys, vals): q = Q() for key, val in zip(keys, vals): q.children.append((key, val)) return q assert isinstance(obj, (Q, tuple)) if isinstance(obj, Q): : else: # When obj is tuple, # obj[0] is lhs(lookup expression) # pk and multi column with lookup 'in' is nothing to do in this, it will change in 'names_to_path'. # obj[1] is rhs(values) # valeus are separated in this method. names = obj[0].split(LOOKUP_SEP) if ('pk' in names and self.model.has_compositepk) or CPK_SEP in obj[0]: # When composite-pk or multi-column if len(names) == 1: # change one Q to multi Q keys = separate_key(self, obj[0]) """! separate keys !""" vals = separate_value(keys, obj[1]) """! separate values !""" if len(keys) == len(vals): return make_q(keys, vals) """! make multi conditions !""" else: raise ProgrammingError("Parameter unmatch : key={} val={}".format(keys, vals)) else: # check the last name last = names[-1] if last == 'in': : elif last == 'pk' or CPK_SEP in last: # change one Q to multi Q # example: ('relmodel__id1,id2', (valule1,value2)) # | # V # ('relmodel__id1', valule1) # ('relmodel__id2', valule2) before_path = LOOKUP_SEP.join(names[0:-1]) cols = separate_key(self, last) keys = [before_path + LOOKUP_SEP + col for col in cols] """! separate keys !""" vals = separate_value(cols, obj[1]) """! separate values !""" return make_q(keys, vals) """! make multi conditions !""" else: # another lookup is not supported. raise NotSupportedError("Not supported multi-column with '{}' : {}".format(last,obj[0])) return obj new_q = transform_q(q_object) super().add_q(new_q)
2-2) multi-column IN clause support
For the IN clause, add_q does not change pk and leaves it as CompositePk. As for the values, those separated by commas are decomposed into tuples.
For example, The condition “pk__in = [‘1, JP’, ‘1, US’, ‘2, JP’,]” is changed as follows.
In CompositePk, the Col class that genarates the DB column name statement is processed by the CompositeCol subclass and returns the following expression.
("CompanyBranch"."company_id", "CompanyBranch"."country_code")
Finally becomes the following SQL conditional statement.
("CompanyBranch"."company_id", "CompanyBranch"."country_code") IN ((1,"JP"), (1,"US"), (2,"JP"))
In addition to the primary key, multiple fields can be specified in comma separated style.
class CompositeCol(Col): def __init__(self, alias, target, output_field=None): super().__init__(alias, target, output_field) self.children = [Col(alias, key, output_field) for key in target.keys] def as_sql(self, compiler, connection): sqls = [] for child in self.children: sql, _ = child.as_sql(compiler, connection) sqls.append(sql) return "(%s)" % ",".join(sqls), [] class CompositeKey(Field): : def get_col(self, alias, output_field=None): return CompositeCol(alias, self, output_field) """! return CompositeCol !"""
class CPkQueryMixin(): : ########################### # override ########################### : def names_to_path(self, names, opts, allow_many=True, fail_on_missing=False): meta = self.get_meta() first_name = names[0] # name[0] is Multi-Column ? if (first_name == 'pk' and self.model.has_compositepk) or CPK_SEP in first_name: # get CompisteKey ckey = meta.pk if first_name != 'pk' and first_name != ckey.name: # IF Not PK, make another temporary CompositeKey cols = [meta.get_field(col) for col in first_name.split(CPK_SEP)] ckey = CompositeKey(cols) """! make temporary CompositeKey for other multi-field !""" lookups = names[1:] if len(names) > 1 else [] return [], ckey, (ckey,), lookups else: return super().names_to_path(names, opts, allow_many, fail_on_missing)
1.2 A number of things use (content_type_id, object_pk) tuples
2. A number of things use (content_type_id, object_pk) tuples to refer to some object — look at the comment framework, or the admin log API. Again, a composite PK system would need to somehow not break this.
Django Community Wiki
I don’t think it’s a problem if “object_pk” object is changed to CompositePk. In fact, using a CPkModel that uses CompositePk on the Admin pages hasn’t caused any problems.
1.3 Admin URL
3. Admin URLs; they’re of the form “/app_label/module_name/pk/”; there would need to be a way to map URLs to objects with a set of columns for the primary key.
Django Community Wiki
CompositePk returns comma-separated characters. The URL has been escaped and can be used without problems.

1.4 Conclusion
Major Issues were easily solved with the idea changing _meta.pk to CompositePk that manages multiple fields.
2. Future tasks
The issues and restrictions of django-compositepk-model are as follows.
Other than CPkForegnKey, I think they’re problems that can be easily solved by modifying the Django source directly.
Even now, I can use it in my project without any problems so far. Also, I’m currently reviewing the performance for the release, and I’m fixing the ORM relation to a Raw query instead of using it, So, I’m not in trouble without CPkForegnKey.
If I can afford it in the future, I’ll try to add CPkForegnKey or change Django itself.